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Behavioral interview FAQs

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Rithm School

Apr 21, 2023

Rithm’s final interview is comprised of a 30 minute behavioral interview followed by a 90 minute technical interview. Learn more about our final interview here.

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The behavioral interview

Why is a behavioral interview required?

To put it simply, this is the best way to making sure that you’re ready to succeed in your job search. Your success in tech will come down to more than just your technical abilities—interviewers are also looking for confidence, communication skills, and a clear vision for your career trajectory. Learn more about why we include behavioral interviews here.

What prerequisite knowledge do I have to have before the behavioral interview?

None. This interview is meant to assess your level of communication skills, self-awareness, and ability to clearly articulate your career goals. 

What can I do to prepare for the behavioral interview?

  • Practice your 1-2 minute personal narrative. The first question you will be asked is “Tell me about yourself.” Take time to prepare and practice a coherent story to describe what you have been doing and what you want to do next for your career.
    • Practice this out loud until you feel comfortable. We don’t want you reading from a script in the interview (or any interview!). Being present is more valuable! 
  • Think about your strengths and areas for improvement. Write them down. The more specific you are, the better.
  • Prepare a list of questions for your interviewer!

How difficult is the behavioral interview?

The difficulty of the behavioral interview cannot be measured on a scale. It is important for you to take enough time to reflect on your personal and professional goals. Knowing yourself, your strengths and growth opportunities, your unique value proposition will go a long way in making this interview successful. The ideal behavioral interview is a conversation with your interviewer where you are excited about sharing more about yourself! 

What are you looking for in the behavioral interview?

There are a handful of criteria we use to evaluate candidates behaviorally. The most important criteria are:

  • Verbal communication skills: Are you able to communicate clearly and with confidence? Are you curious and taking initiative during the interview? Can you give specific examples of previous professional experience? 
  • Unique value proposition: Are you able to describe what unique skills and traits you are bringing to your new role? How will you contribute to tech? 
  • Strategic career plan: Do you have a clear idea of why you want to make this career pivot and what you will be looking for in your next role? Are you aware of what this will require once you start looking for your next job?

If you have any questions about the behavioral portion of your interview that weren’t answered above, feel free to reach out to for support. To learn more about your final interview, click here.

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