So many amazing things happened on International Women’s Day that it was difficult to keep track, in a good way. For me, this about sums it up, but here’s a list of other awesome things we did across the country and the world.
To keep up the momentum of uplifting and empowering women in tech during Women’s History Month, I wanted to highlight a few organizations who have already made major moves to expand access, equality, and inclusion in the space. Read on to get inspired, motivated, and involved in your community.
Women Who Code
CEO: Alaina Percival
With a global network of more than 80,000 members, Women Who Code is the household name of “women in tech” organizations. Their local chapters span 20+ countries and offer study groups, networking events, and more. Founded just six years ago, Women Who Code has given away more than $1 million in scholarships to support women in tech and has already become a source of inspiration and empowerment to women coders everywhere. Check out Women Who Code Connect 2017 in San Francisco for an excellent meeting of the minds.
CEO: TeLisa Daughtry
FlyTechnista is an online community broadening access to education and career opportunities for women and girls in tech. Officially launching this spring, CEO and Founder Daughtry has already been recognized as a pioneer in the space, speaking at dozens of women and diversity-forward events and panels. She even organized a guerrilla Women in Tech track at a 2016 conference. I was lucky enough to be there as she coordinated impromptu networking and social events, and it was the best part of my conference experience. Keep an eye out for even more from FlyTechnista this year, and donate if you can.
Latinas in STEM
Founders: Jazlyn Carvajal, Diana Albarran Chicas
Both MIT alumnae, Carvajal and Chicas founded Latinas in STEM in 2013 to encourage young Latina women to pursue an education and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. In addition to kindergarten-college outreach and support, the network offers professional development resources for Latinas working in various STEM fields around the country. Learn more and become a member to support and benefit from their amazing work.
Founder & CEO: Janice Levenhagen
ChickTech’s mission is not just to encourage more women and girls to pursue careers in tech, but to retain them in the tech workforce by boosting inclusivity, bolstering resources, and equalizing participation. They have networking and meetup chapters as well as mentorship and internship programs for high school girls in multiple US cities, including most major tech hubs. To jump in and join their rapidly growing community, hit up ChickTech’s ACT-W conference this April in San Francisco. **Tip: Use code rithm20 to save on admission!
Black Girls CODE
Founder & CEO: Kimberly Bryant
At this point, Black Girls CODE needs no introduction. Launched in April 2011, they have reached thousands of young women and girls of color around the country through workshops, hackathons, sponsored field trips, and coding camps. Bryant is a visionary who has been become a thought leader and influencer on conversations surrounding diversity, inclusion, and innovation across the country. Such is their achievement and impact that Google now houses their New York City chapter inside of its offices. To learn more about how to support and uplift young women in your city, take the time to peruse their programs and events.
Lesbians Who Tech
CEO: Leanne Pittsford
Lesbians Who Tech are queer, inclusive ,and badass. In less than three years, their Summits have become some of the most hotly anticipated events in tech. They offer one of the most inclusive coding bootcamp scholarships out there and now have 20,000 global members supporting their work to increase visibility, solidarity, and leadership for lesbians and women in technology. As far as I know, they’re nowhere near being done, and don’t worry – if Lesbians Who Tech isn’t in your city yet, they will be soon. If you can’t wait, start a chapter on your own and become a part of this incredible movement.
PS – don’t forget, Rithm School is offering scholarships to all women who enroll in our next cohort!