After 7 successful years teaching full stack web development, Rithm School has decided to close and won’t have any future cohorts. View FAQs

Your 17-Week Path
Towards a Successful Role In Software Engineering

At Rithm, we’ve intentionally designed a rigorous curriculum so that you have the skills you need to succeed in your first entry-level software engineering role at the end of 17 weeks. Our meticulous curriculum is rooted in experience, practice, and constant conversation with our hiring partners.


Before Class

At Rithm, your learning begins before you even set foot in the classroom. As Rithm is not a beginner-level bootcamp, we recommend committing at least 3 months to consistent studying before school starts. We’ve developed a robust prework to give you a solid understanding of the fundamentals of web development.

Week: 1-2

Intermediate Front End

After reviewing the prework, we’ll dive into some more advanced JavaScript topics. You’ll learn tools and techniques to more easily make your websites interactive, and you’ll start to establish problem solving strategies that will help you throughout your career. By the end of these two weeks, you’ll be much better equipped to think like a developer.


Intermediate JavaScript Part II


Advanced JavaScript


Advanced JavaScript II

Week: 3-5

Full Stack Web Development

Once you understand how web browsers work, you’ll begin learning about the other piece of the web development puzzle: server-side programming. Over the next several weeks you’ll build web servers in Python, databases using PostgresSQL, and many full stack web applications using everything you’ve learned so far. You’ll also learn about the basics of authentication, web security, and web scraping.


Python Fundamentals Part I


Python Fundamentals Part II


Python, SQL and Flask Part I


Python, SQL and Flask Part II

Week: 6-10

Single-Page Applications with React and Node.js

After building a larger full-stack application, you’ll be ready to learn about modern design patterns and frameworks. Over the next two weeks, you’ll learn more about what single-page applications and front-end frameworks are, and you’ll begin building your own using React.js hooks. You’ll also learn about React Router and TypeScript, which are both commonly used when building modern React applications. And you’ll learn how to build an API using Node.js, so that you can gain experience in multiple back-end technologies. You’ll also gain a fundamental understanding of deployment with Amazon Web Services and learn more advanced patterns for state management in React.


Node and Express.js Fundamentals


Intermediate Node and Express


React.js Fundamentals


Intermediate React and Redux

We spend the last month preparing for your job success

Week: 11-13

Professional Projects

Having real-world experience is essential both for your own learning and for your eventual job search. Because of this, students at Rithm spend nearly a month working with teams on large projects in live, production codebases. You could be working on a large existing codebase, or building something brand new for external stakeholders. Either way, you’ll learn a lot about working in a team and writing readable, maintainable code. It’s a busy three weeks, but it’s also an incredible learning experience.

Week: 14-17

Computer Science and Interview Prep

Before you start your job search, we’ll help solidify your computer science knowledge. By this time you will have already done over 100 timed coding challenges covering essential problem solving techniques and patterns like recursion, frequency counters, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and much more. You’ll review all of these strategies, including concepts like big-O, notation data structures, and algorithms. During this time, you’ll also finalize your resume and meet 1:1 with our Director of Career Services for ongoing, personalized coaching. Lectures will be focused on excelling in take-home challenges and on-site interviews, including trickier conceptual questions on systems design and architecture. Before you leave, we’ll start sending out your profile to our network of hiring partners in order to build momentum in your job search.


Computer Science Fundamentals

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