After 7 successful years teaching full stack web development, Rithm School has decided to close and won’t have any future cohorts. View FAQs

The Rithm Difference

When you graduate from Rithm School, you are equipped with all the tools to succeed in your first software engineering job. Our program is designed to set you apart, with:

  • an advanced technical curriculum that focuses on creating a strong foundation of skills and on giving you practical experience, 
  • 100 hours of dedicated and individual code reviews and real-world contributions to live, production level codebases, 
  • tailored job-focused curriculum and rigorous coaching that provide you with efficient job search strategies, and give you a real competitive edge when it comes to getting hired. 


We’ve got grads at all the
top companies

Top companies hire from Rithm School

There’s a reason why so many hiring partners choose to work with Rithm. After over 100 hours of dedicated code reviews and real-world contributions to live, production-level codebases, you’ll graduate with the technical skills and practical experience you need to rise to the top of any resume pile.

Rithm Partners With Merit

At Rithm School, we are dedicated to providing the skills our community of students needs to become successful software engineers, from technical skills to communication and collaboration skills. We also know that interviewing skills will help you land your first role. That is why we have partnered with Merit.


Merit is a place to practice mock interviews, get resume advice, and learn how to hit the ground running in your first role. They have over 500 mentors from companies like Amazon and Slack to small startups who are committed to helping you succeed in your career. We believe that mentorship is one of the most effective ways to build your network and career. With Merit, we ensure our students and alumni have 360-degree support, not just from our team, but also from established professionals in the field who can take our community to the next level of success! 

We want you to succeed in and after bootcamp

For the past seven years, Rithm has taken a highly personalized approach to helping graduates in the job search. We’ve helped hundreds of graduates find their dream jobs, and we’ve helped dozens of companies find the best talent. We’ve been consistently ranked one of the top coding bootcamps online and in-person, but don’t just take our word for it. You can also read reviews of our program on Course Report, SwitchUp, or Career Karma.

In the second to last week of the program, we’ll focus exclusively on helping you prepare for technical interviews with topics including:
  1. Data Structures and Algorithms Review
  2. Systems Design
  3. Architecture
  4. Mock Phone Screens
  5. Whiteboarding and Live Coding
  6. Take Home Challenges
  7. Onsite Interviews

In the final two weeks of the program, we’ll make sure you’re 100% ready for the job search and help you prepare for interviews with topics including:

  1. Telling Your Story
  2. Finalizing your Resume
  3. Writing Effective Cover Letters
  4. Networking
  5. Working with Recruiters
  6. Salary Negotiation
  7. Mock Phone Screens

Even for skilled developers, finding a new job can be a time consuming process. If you’re just starting in the industry, it’s essential you have the skills needed to ace technical interviews: a deep understanding of fundamental computer science principles, along with an ability to effectively communicate and problem-solve under pressure.

During your final weeks at Rithm, you’ll hone your skills through mock interviews, whiteboarding practice, salary negotiation, and lessons on more advanced computer science topics. Upon graduation, Rithm will support you throughout your job search with regular check-ins, mentorship sessions, and more.

Towards the end of the program and after, you’ll get support from our tight-knit alumni community regarding mentorship and advocacy for future jobs. We’ve seen alumni offer students mock interviews, help with whiteboarding, and even offer referrals to companies.

Upon graduation, you’ll have unlimited access to our Director of Career Services and can schedule a check-in whenever you need. We’ll also provide weekly technical alumni office hours where you can meet with an instructor and other alumni to review technical interviews, challenges, and get any of your questions answered. In order to help you apply the technical interview skills you’ve learned, Rithm is also partnered with a venture capital firm with over 120 portfolio companies. Upon graduation, your career coach will help connect you to open opportunities at partner companies, including those in the Slow Ventures network. These companies range from small startups to large public companies.

In addition, Rithm School is constantly connecting students to alumni who are hiring as well as companies that approach Rithm seeking high quality engineering talent.

“She got up to speed much faster than other junior engineers."

“There’s a reason we hired from Rithm School. Allie got up to speed on our codebase much faster than other junior engineers, and it’s clear she knew how to work with a dev team from day one.”

Todd Berman (CTO of Attentive and former VP Engineering at GitHub)

At Rithm, we do things that other coding bootcamps don’t

Rithm School

Other Bootcamps

All graduates who are available for employment are included in our statistics

All our outcomes reports are audited by a certified independent auditor

A successful outcome is a role in the field of software engineering as defined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You don’t have to meet additional requirements after graduation to be included in our statistics

If we hire a graduate, we report it as an internal permanent hire. These are not short term positions. And everyone’s job search clock starts at graduation and ends with an accepted in field offer, no exceptions.

Are you the next Rithm graduate?

Graduation Rate

0 %

average starting salary

$ 0 k

grads placed in 6 months

0 %

This data is collected from students who graduated in the second half of 2022. While our typical 6 month placement rate is generally around 85%, this data reflects a changing job market in which the job search is taking longer. However, we are committed to transparency in our outcomes numbers, and want to provide honest information for prospective students to consider as they decide if we’re the right fit for them. This is why we abide by TRACE standards, which highlight clarity in reporting without gamification, and complete a third-party audit to verify reporting. You can learn more about how we collect, measure, and audit our data below.

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